BEHIND BOHICA2K: Just who ARE these guys anyway??

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Almost everything you wanted to know about who we are...but didn't ask.

Has it really been 3 years already?  Time sure flies by when there's art to create.   And we're not done.  We're JUST beginning.  Tim and I started this "dream job" 3 years ago.  Wanting to get out of the corporate world and into a place where we actually ENJOY our job, we filled out all the papers, got our loans in order...and became an art studio.  With support of our friends (you know who you are) and our family (you should know who YOU are) and people just like you (yes you!) we are going strong.  They told us that this internet thing won't last 2 years.  HA!  Celebrate with us as we go on big number 3!

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Chuck - Artistic Director   Chuck at the drawing table

Chuck is some kind of funky font.

Ever since I can remember...I could draw.  I used to doodle on everything.  Starting with crayons on my parents walls. (Sorry Mom) Who would have thought that this many years later...I'd make a comfortable living for myself doing what I love to do most...ART!  I'm the Artistic Director here at Bohica2k Art Studio.  Fancy name for "I own the joint".  If it's art you want...then I'll more than likely be doing it for you....or have a hand in it.

Click here to send a private email to Chuck!  He likes getting email.

Tim Kimbrough - Director of ALL else  Tim again...doing what he does best.  Smiling and taking care of business! 

Timbo in the same funky font that Chuck is in.

This is Tim.  If you call us, more than likely it'll be Tim you'll talk to on the phone because he doesn't draw.  He's the business end of Bohica2k.  The wheeler and the dealer and part of the reason that I even started this venture.  He hates taking a picture, so send him an email and tell him that he looks fine!  His eyes do NOT look "googly". hehehe  Send ME an email to make sure he hasn't killed me for this.  GREAT guy.  That's why he's my partner in crime.

Click here to send a private email to Chuck!  He likes getting email.

And that's about it for us.  Keep the emails coming.  We LOVE your ideas.  We might not use them all...but we still love them.  If it wasn't for YOU, we wouldn't be here making art for your walls.  And for that....WE THANK YOU!


Bohica2k LogoBohica2k Art Studio. All art is copyright protected.  You cannot steal pictures of me without my knowledge.  Just ask..I have tons more.  Steal Tim's pictures....he doesn't care!