BLUEFROG: Porcelaine on ceramic tile, March 2003

Blue Frog

pebeo porcelaine on ceramic tile

8" x 16"


How he was made:


1. I started with an idea, but had no idea how I was going to do this.    2.  Added some leaves, he should be in a bushy area.    3. Added some rocks...viola!  Bluefrog has a home!


I was talking to a friend of mine in Canada, and he mentioned he liked frogs.  Not necessarily blue ones.  But his favorite color is blue.  So...since I was done with my last project, I figured I would set aside some time to do this painting for him.  This one is not for sale.  But if  you'd like one for  your home or office,  contact me.  I'd be happy to do one for you too!

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