FINALE! Thanks for visiting the Bohica2k Art Studio!

Bohica2k banner

We appreciate the time you took to visit our pages.  We have so many people to thank for their help on this adventure.  Believe me!  I have no computer experience.  But I did ALL of this with the following people's help.  My thanks to all of you!


(webmaster of

Laura gave me the criticism I needed when I started this "webpage" stuff.  I was horrible in the beginning.  She let me borrow her books on HTML (big fat thick ones!) and taught me about gif and jpeg sizes.  She basically gave me the kick in the rear that I so desperately needed.  Thanks, Laura!  For getting me from where I here!  The HTML mumbo-jumbo is all because of you!

Go here to get the great backgrounds you see on our pages!

Since our logo is "HANG IT UP!", we wanted backgrounds that resembled walls. (Did you notice?)  It took forever to search through, literally, tons of backgrounds.  I wasn't happy until I found this place.  AWESOME!  I found exactly what I was looking for in half the time.  Creating your own webpage?  Get your backgrounds here.  Tell them Bohica2k sent you!


As if HTML wasn't hard enough...along comes "javascripts".  I thought the only hard part of having a webpage was finding a surge protector for it!  A1Javascripts made doing java so much easier than I thought could be possible.  You enter in a few lines, and BAM, it's created for you.  Just copy and paste!  Did you notice our menu to the left?  I got that from here.  I'm telling you, if you're creating a webpage, you need to go take a journey here.  It'll be worth it.

We'd like to finally thank YOU for visiting us.  We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did creating these pages.  Stop reading our "thank you's" and go to THE WALL to order something for your walls at home.  You can't beat original, hand done, artwork.  Ours is at a price you can afford.  Already framed & matted for you!  What could be easier?  Are you still reading this?  Get over to our gallery and take a look for yourself!  Go on..go.....


Thank you for visiting the Bohica2k Art Studio!