Bohica2k Guestbook: Let us know that you visited our pages!

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Welcome to the Bohica2k Guestbook

Tim & I would like to thank you for taking the time to visit our pages.  We would like to know that you visited us!  Of course we can look at the statistics and see who you are and where you found us, but wouldn't you like to make it more personable?  Share your thoughts with others that are visiting these pages.  We would love to get to know you.  But we can't....unless you leave us a bit of your wisdom on our pages.  What are you waiting for?  WRITE US! Our apologies to all of those who wrote such wonderful salutations before Oct 29, 2000. Unfortunately, redoing our webpages, we lost your words. Please feel free to reenter them. I promise not to lose them this time! 

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Just remember that thousands of other people will be reading your entry.  Do not type anything that you would not want anyone else to know, if you know what I mean.  Just be careful and read your entry before you click the submit button.  Don't say I didn't warn you!