Let's Eat: Item B2K709023

Let's Eat

Original size 10" X 15"

Let's Eat  B2K709023

Let's Eat up close

Let's Eat up close

1.Let's Eat phase 1  2.Let's Eat phase 2  3.Let's Eat phase 3  4.Let's Eat phase 4  ENDLet's Eat Complete!

Let's Eat in progress!

The story behind "Let's Eat"

We have a good friend that wanted us to do a cover for his book.  Look for it soon...whenever he publishes it...called "What happens when they don't want the special sauce?".  The bad part is I did this burger to "neat".  He wants it sloppy with sauce dripping all over it.  So, lucky you, you can have this hanging on YOUR wall.  I began taking pictures of the art in progress with this piece.  Tim thought it would be a good idea.  Guess he was right (this time!).

$450.00 USD

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