Sky's The Limit: Item B2K100424

Sky's The Limit

Original size 7 1/2" X 20"

Sky's The Limit  B2K100424

Sky's The Limit up close

Sky's The Limit up close

1.Sky's The Limit phase 1  2.Sky's The Limit phase 2  3.Sky's The Limit phase 3  ENDSky's The Limit Complete!

Sky's The Limit in progress

The story behind "Sky's The Limit"

By now you know the story of Tim and my dream of creating an anime.  There's always got to be a mentor figure.  We have one of those.  He is a wise old mage with red feathers.  We've named him Fiad.  I honestly think I'm getting the hang of this "feather" thing.  You don't know it yet, but I think we just showed you the cover art to the book/movie/DVD/and CD.

$150.00 USD

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