(or as we like to call them: B2K 2NZ)
Tim has worked long and hard on this project. He has tested and tweaked every aspect to make sure you can pipe into the tunes we're playing here at the Bohica2k Art Studio. Just click on the musical notes below. If we're LIVE on the internet, Tim will even show you what we're listening to. You won't be able to hear us unless you have Winamp on your computer. Most of you do. But if you don't, just click --> WINAMP <-- and I'll take you to the place you can do a free 5 minute download. It's easy. Trust me. I wouldn't make anything too difficult for you.
The most common question: "Can I purchase a CD of the tunes you play on here?".
The answer: YES! Email me a list of the tunes you'd like, and Tim will get right on the CD for you. Of course, there will be a $4.99 charge for the CD. But hey...we have to cover the cost of CDs somehow.
2005. Heavily copyright protected by the Bohica2k Guarddog.
He bites! Watch out!